Cash Whitsell

Cash Whitsell, July 21, 2021

As told by his beloved mother, Katie.

Cash Whitsell was at a friend's house in the pool playing a breath holding game when he passed out, by the time his friend realized he wasn't holding his breath anymore it was too late. Paramedics worked on Cash and were finally able to get his heart beating again, but the damage was already done. Cash was declared brain dead within a few days and because he had signed up to be an organ donor he was able to save the lives of others in need.

Cash was the best kid, he was smart, kind, Godly, funny, caring, handsome, strong.....I could go on forever. He was a wonderful son and big brother and friend. He loved to fish and hunt and play sports, especially football. He was a strong swimmer, I never worried about letting him go swim with friends. I never realized the dangers of holding your breath in the pool; I did it all the time as a kid. Cash knew Jesus and there is no doubt in my mind he is with Him now, but I can't help but wonder if it would have been different if I had known about shallow water blackout.

Cash Scott Whitsell
August 16, 2005- July 21, 2021
Farmersville, Tx