Luke John Walley

Memorial written by Luke’s beloved mother, Sophie

Memorial written by Luke’s beloved mother, Sophie

Luke Walley, a fit young man of 27 and a wonderful human being, died of shallow water blackout in a pool in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on the 5th February 2020, just a few weeks short of his 27th birthday. He was trying to push himself to swim a bit further under water each time he went swimming, as a personal challenge. He did not know the risks he was running, and neither did we. If we had, he would be alive today and our family would not be plunged into the deepest mourning.

Luke had everything to live for, and so much to contribute. He was a physicist, who worked on solar energy and energy access, to address the climate emergency we are facing. At the time of his death, he was employed by the World Wildlife Fund in Cambodia, helping to protect the Mekong River and its ecosystems. He was happily and recently married to Emilija, and they planned to start a family this year. He was a person of huge heart and intellect, who gave time and love to all, and was adored by family and friends alike. He was also a great musician, and had recently released an album, Transitions, with his band, Fallen to Flux.

 We are devastated by his loss but also determined to spread awareness of this under-publicised cause of death, so that others can be spared this pain.

 Luke, we will love and honour you for ever.